Business Studies
This subject is part of the Faculty of Mathematics, Enterprise and Computing
Our Head of Faculty is
Mr J Pridden
Our subject teachers and email are
Mr M farmer
Our subject intent
Curriculum Subject Offer
Autumn Term 2023-2024
Year group
Autumn 1
Autumn 2
Year 10
- Introduction to the structure, content and assessment of the NCFE Level1 / 2 Technical Award in Business and Enterprise
- Knowledge acquisition Content Area 1: Entrepreneurship, business organisation and stakeholders:
- What is an entrepreneur
- Entrepreneurial motivators
- Entrepreneurial skills and qualities
- Aims and objectives of business
- Reasons and structure of business aims and objectives
- Financial aims and objectives
- Non-financial aims and objectives
- Business structures and types
- Business structure impact
- Managing change in structures
- What are stakeholders
- Types of stakeholder
- Stakeholder engagement
- Stakeholder conflict
- Summative Content Area Assessment
- Knowledge acquisition Content Area 2: Market research, market types and orientation and marketing mix:
- What are aspects of a market
- Targeting customers
- Competitive business environment
- What is market research
- Primary market research
- Secondary market research
- Tertiary market research
- Types of data and data sets
- Types of market
- Market orientation
- The marketing mix
- Demand and supply
- Pricing strategies
- Product placement
- Promotional methods
- Product marketing
- The product life cycle
- Product development and innovation
- The Boston Matrix
- Branding
- Summative Content Area Assessment
Spring Term 2023-2024
Year group
Spring 1
Spring 2
Year 10
- Knowledge acquisition Content Area 3: Human resource requirements for business and enterprise:
- Methods of recruitment
- The recruitment process and stages of recruitment
- Contracts of employment
- Staff development
- Monitoring of staff performance
- Financial motivation of staff
- Non-financial motivation of staff
- Motivational theory
- Summative Content Area Assessment
- Knowledge acquisition Content Area 4: Operations management:
- Outsourcing
- Production methods
- Quality control
- Customer service
- Summative Content Area Assessment
Summer Term 2023-2024
Year group
Summer 1
Summer 2
Year 10
- Knowledge acquisition Content Area 5: Business Growth:
- Internal business growth strategies
- External business growth strategies
- Efficiency
- Economies and diseconomies of scale
- Managing change and challenges of growth
- Summative Content Area Assessment
- Contingency
- Knowledge consolidation, revision, and practice:
- Content Area 1: Entrepreneurship, business organisation and stakeholders
- Content Area 2: Market research, market types and orientation and marketing mix
- Content Area 3: Human resource requirements for business and enterprise
- Content Area 4: Operations management
- Content Area 5: Business Growth
Autumn Term 2024-2025
Year group
Autumn 1
Autumn 2
Year 11
- Knowledge acquisition Content Area 6: Sources of enterprise funding and business finance:
- Types of funding
- Common business financial terminology
- Revenue
- Profit
- Profit and loss
- Margin of safety
- Costs
- Liabilities
- Assets
- Common financial documents
- Break-even analysis
- Cash-flow forecasting
- Statement of income
- Balance sheets
- Profitability ratios
- Liquidity ratios
- Cash-flow management
- Knowledge acquisition Content Area 7: The impact of the external environment on business and enterprise:
- Fiscal policy
- Taxation
- Public sector
- Government spending
- Monetary policy
- Economics
- Interest rates
- Employment
- Legislation
- Social impacts
- Technology
- Environmental
- Competition
- Summative Content Area Assessment
- Pre-Public Examination
Spring Term 2024-2025
Year group
Spring 1
Spring 2
Year 11
- Knowledge acquisition Content Area 8: Business and enterprise planning:
- Purpose of business planning
- Benefits of business planning
- Sections of a Business Plan
- Non-Exam Assessment preparation
- Non-Exam Assessment commences
Summer Term 2024-2025
Year group
Summer 1
Summer 2
Year 11
- Non-Exam Assessment concludes
- Programme of revision for Examined Assessment
- Programme of revision for Examined Assessment
- Examined Assessment concludes
- Course ends