Should you require printed copies of any school policies or documents please contact the school office who will be happy to provide these free of charge.
All personal telephone enquiries are dealt with by Mrs L Denton, Mrs S Watkins or Mrs J Lilley-Attwell who are our admin team. Emails to the admin email address above are picked up daily. Where contact is confidential and of a safeguarding/child protection nature, please mark all emails “Private and Confidential” and send to Mrs E Davies at the email address given below.
School Executive Headteacher: Mr M Farmer Bed Hons, NPQH
Head of School: Mr S Seneque
Chair of Governors QEHS: Mrs K Ewing c/o Queen Elizabeth High School, Ashfields, Bromyard, HR7 4QS
Designated Safeguarding Lead and SPOC: Mrs E Davies
SENCO: Mrs E Davies
All visitors to the Queen Elizabeth High School should report to Reception unless advised otherwise.
If you would like to speak to somebody, please contact us using the contact details above or by filling in the form at the bottom of the page.
You can normally expect a response within a working day but if you need an urgent answer or to discuss your requirements with a staff member please call us or email us during term-time office hours.
Please make sure you give us a valid email address and phone number so that we can respond to your request promptly. We will only use your contact details to answer your query and we will never share them with anyone else.