Statutory Policies
Examination & Assessment
Finance, Data & IT
Governance Policies
Health & Safety
HR Policies
Queen Elizabeth High School Policies
Ofsted Reports
Ofsted Website: Queen Elizabeth High School Historical Reports
Financial Documentation
Pupil Premium
SEND Report
Capability Policy and Procedures
Queen Elizabeth High School has internal procedures for staff who are not able to adequately discharge their duties and need to follow a formal Capability process, and as such, follows the common policies set by Hoople HR.
These policies are considered internal and apply to all staff at Queen Elizabeth High School as employees but are not public documents for scrutiny. Where there is clear authority to review such documents for statutory reasons, for example an Ofsted inspector, these documents are available by contacting the PA to the Trust Senior Leadership Team, Mrs J Lilley-Attwell or by viewing on site.
Performance Related Pay Policy
Queen Elizabeth High School has internal procedures for the setting and monitoring of targets through an Appraisal Process (Performance Management) and subsequent award or decline of pay decisions based on that appraisal, and, as such, follows the common policies set by Hoople HR.
These policies are considered internal and apply to all staff at Queen Elizabeth High School as employees but are not public documents for scrutiny. Where there is clear authority to review such documents for statutory reasons, for example an Ofsted inspector, these documents are available by contacting the PA to the Trust Senior Leadership Team, Mrs J Lilley-Attwell or by viewing on site.
Staff Disciplinary and Grievance Policy
Queen Elizabeth High School has internal procedures for staff discipline and follows the common policies set by Hoople HR.
These policies are considered internal and apply to all staff at Queen Elizabeth High School as employees but are not public documents for scrutiny. Where there is clear authority to review such documents for statutory reasons, for example an Ofsted inspector, these documents are available by contacting the PA to the Trust Senior Leadership Team, Mrs J Lilley-Attwell or by viewing on site