Our Curriculum Intent at Queen Elizabeth High School

We believe our curriculum is well planned, inclusive and meets pupils’ needs and aspirations. Pupils study a broad range of subjects that ensure they are very well prepared for the next steps of their education.  All pupils are given the opportunity to study the courses they feel will achieve in.

“Support. Believe. Achieve” All staff see this as the USP of the school and it is shared and understood by all.

At QE we offer pupils an innovative, broad, and balanced curriculum which meets the needs of individuals whilst creating the best conditions for all our pupils to excel and succeed to the best of their ability.

Our curriculum, combined with our extra-curricular opportunities, supports our pupils to become:

  • Responsible citizens who are able to make a positive contribution to their local community and society as a whole
  • Confident individuals who are able to live safe and healthy lives
  • Well-rounded young people, prepared for the next stage of their education

Our Curriculum Model

Key Stage 3 Curriculum

At KS3 pupils build on foundations from KS2 and develop core skills in communication, literacy, and mathematics, whilst experiencing a broad and balanced knowledge-based curriculum consisting of the Arts, Sciences, Technology, Humanities and PE. They will also develop their cultural and social awareness through PSHE and RE.

The curriculum at KS3 is best described as ‘knowledge-engaged’, meaning that it recognises the crucial importance of significant subject content, and that this knowledge underpins the application of skills. For this reason, work is done in Year 7, 8 and 9 to develop pupils’ long-term memory, retention, and retrieval. Assessment is regular and formative focusing on pupils’ retention of knowledge.

Year 7 & 8

Subject Year group Lessons per week
English 7 & 8 4
Mathematics 7 & 8 4
Science 7 & 8 4
MFL (French/Spanish) 7 & 8 2
Physical Education 7 & 8 2
Geography 7 & 8 2
History 7 & 8 2
RE 7 & 8 1
Technology and Art


(RM, Food Tech & Art)

7 & 8 3


on a 6-weekly rotation

Year 9

Subject Year group Lessons per week
English 9 4
Mathematics 9 4
Science 9 4
MFL (French/Spanish) 9 2
Physical Education 9 2
Geography 9 2
History 9 2
RE 9 1
Technology and Art


(RM, Food Tech, music/drama & Art)

9 3


on a 6-weekly rotation

Citizenship 9 1

Key Stage 4 Curriculum (Year 10)

  • At Key Stage 4 all our pupils study the core academic subjects at GCSE: English, English Literature, mathematics, sciences (combined or separate awards), history or geography. Achieving good passes in these subjects keep pupils’ options open, and allows them to enter the widest ranges of careers and college courses
  • Pupils are well supported through the option process to ensure they are on pathways that allow the greatest chance of academic success. Pupils are appropriately guided to whether they study combined science or separate science
  • Pupils are only set in ability groups in the following subjects: mathematics, English and science. For all other subjects pupils will be in mixed ability groups
  • The curriculum continues to be taught by promoting the mastery of knowledge through interleaving and regular formative assessment
  • At Key Stage 4 teaching also focuses on applying that knowledge to a range of contexts

Year 10

Subject Year group Lessons per week
English 10 5
Mathematics 10 5
Science 10 6
Option A and B 10 3
Option C and D 10 2
PE 10 1
Citizenship, PSHE and RE 10 1

Year 11

Subject Year group Lessons per week
English 11 5
Mathematics 11 5
Science 11 5
Option A and B 11 3
Option C and D 11 3
PE 11 1
Citizenship, PSHE and RE 11 1


GCSE Vocational


Computer Science
D & T
English Language
English Literature
Food Preparation

Further Mathematics
Physical Education
Religious Education
Science (combined award)


ABC Award in Automotive Studies
BTEC Animal Care
NCFE Health and Fitness

Business studies
NCFE Technical Award in Performance Studies
NCFE Child Development
Construction & the Built Environment 





As a school we feel work experience is an essential aspect of pupils’ development and aim to support them in an ever-increasing competitive world of work. We strongly support and encourage our pupils to broaden horizons and pursue their dreams. Consequently, all Year 10 pupils have two weeks of work experience during the summer term.