Our Head of Faculty is
Mr M Durham – mdurham@tcat.school
Our subject teachers and emails are
Mrs A Davies adavies@tcat.school
Mr S Day stuartday@tcat.school
Mr M Durham – mdurham@tcat.school
Miss S. Griffiths – sgriffiths@tcat.school
Miss B. Godsall bgodsall@tcat.school
Mrs L Gwilliam lgwilliam@tcat.school
Mrs R Kent rkent@tcat.school
Mr Langley mlangley@tcat.school
Mrs T Lloyd – tlloyd@tcat.school
Miss B Muirhead imuirhead@tcat.school
Our subject intent is
At the core of the ethos at Queen Elizabeth High School is a commitment to helping our students to achieve above and beyond their expectations and be able to contribute well to their local community and society as a whole. Students are respected as individuals and supported so that they believe and achieve. As an integral part of our curriculum offer, we hope to aid this goal through our delivery of SMSC, PSHE and British Values by creating an educational environment in which pupils are encouraged and stimulated to develop academically and personally, and to grow into themselves as confident, thoughtful and considerate people who are ready to move on to the next stage of their lives.
We believe that the school should actively promote all students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development by providing positive experiences through planned and coherent opportunities in the curriculum and through interactions with teachers, other adults and the local community.
SMSC and British Values are promoted through the school programme of PHSE and Citizenship as well as embedded throughout the school curriculum. PSHE is delivered through a lesson a week for each year group, form time sessions, the assembly programme and different events delivered by external providers. We endeavour to offer a varied and holistic experience to enable our young people to be responsible, reflective and active citizens with a strong awareness of British values. Our intention is to help our students to develop a set of core values and beliefs that will sustain them through life and see them through the dilemmas, choices and difficulties that they are bound to encounter at one point or another.
We aim to help our students to develop a reflective approach to themselves and to the world around them, one that is based on an informed understanding, tolerance and acceptance of others.
Curriculum Subject Offer
Year 7 PSHE
Subject intent
In year 7, you will begin PSHE by looking at your transition into secondary school, keeping good friendships and some basic first aid. In the second topic you will learn about careers including raising career aspirations and possible future career choices. You will also begin to look at enterprise skills. In the third area of learning you will learn about relationships and then look at some key aspects of citizenship including, prejudice and discrimination, and freedom of speech, followed by online safety and cyber bullying. Then you will assess the risks of smoking and drugs before looking at puberty, and FGM. In the summer term you will learn about relationships in more detail, exploring family relationships and keeping safe relationships, before moving onto living in the wider world, which goes on to look at political parties, parliament and elections.
Topic Breakdown
Topic 1 |
Health and Wellbeing Transition to Secondary School Keeping good friendships Bullying First aid- CPR |
Topic 2 |
Living in the Wider World Careers Enterprising qualities Team work skills |
Topic 3 |
Living in the Wider World Prejudice and discrimination Freedom of speech Relationships Cyber bullying Online safety |
Topic 4 |
Health and Wellbeing Smoking and drugs Energy drinks Managing puberty and personal hygiene FGM |
Topic 5 |
Relationships Family relationships Keeping safe and positive relationships Living in the Wider World The UK Government The role of parliament Elections |
You will be assessed through your own self assessment of key elements throughout the year and short assessment tasks at the end of a topic.
PSHE full Scheme of Work - Year 7
Year 8 PSHE
Subject intent
In year 7, you began PSHE looking at your transition into secondary school, the importance of a growth mind set and keeping good friendships followed by healthy lifestyles and some basic first aid. In the second half of the autumn term you learnt about careers including raising career aspirations and possible future career choices. You then looked at enterprise skills touching on aspects of Citizenship too, focusing on British Values and rights and responsibilities. In the first half of the spring term you learnt about relationships and other key aspects of Citizenship including, prejudice and discrimination, freedom of speech and voting, followed by online safety and cyber bullying. In the latter half of the spring term you assessed the risks of alcohol, tobacco and other substances before looking at puberty, FGM and dental health. In the summer term you learnt about relationships in more detail, falling in love, exploring family relationships and keeping safe relationships, before moving onto living in the wider world, which looked at political parties, parliament and elections. You also looked at budgeting, making financial and ethical decisions.
During year 8, in the autumn term, you will develop your first aid skills further and look more at personal safety, alcohol, vaping and drug misuse, including how to manage peer influence. During the second half of the autumn term you will begin by looking at careers before moving on to British values, human rights and prejudice and discrimination. In the spring term you will assess relationships and issues such as racism and radicalisation, forced marriage, hate crime, freedom of speech and online safety. In the second part of the spring term you will learn about bereavement and loss, social media and self esteem, the impact of posting images online and healthy relationships. You will also develop your first aid further, looking at asthma and allergies. In the final term, you will learn about relationships in more detail by looking at consent, contraception and sexting, before looking at living in the wider world including financial decisions on savings, borrowing and spending.
Topic Breakdown
Half term 1 |
Half term 2 |
Autumn |
Health and Wellbeing First aid and personal safety Peer pressure Drugs Alcohol Vaping |
Living in the Wider World Careers British values Human rights Prejudice and discrimination |
Spring |
Relationships Racism Preventing radicalisation Forced marriage Online safety Hate crime Freedom of speech |
Health and Wellbeing Managing grief and bereavement Social media and self esteem Resilience and refraining from negative thinking Mental health First aid Healthy relationships
Summer |
Relationships Healthy relationships continued Introduction to sex education and consent Sexting Introduction to contraception STIS |
Living in the Wider World Budgeting and saving Income and expenditure Tax and National Insurance Savings, loans and interest Financial transactions |
You will be assessed through your own self assessment of key elements throughout the year and short assessment tasks at the end of a topic.
PSHE full Scheme of Work - Year 8
Year 9 PSHE
Subject intent
During year 8, in the autumn term, you learnt about first aid and personal safety, alcohol, vaping and drug misuse, including how to manage peer influence. During the second half of the autumn term you learnt about careers before moving on to British Values, democracy, human rights and prejudice and discrimination. In the spring term you learnt about relationships and issues such as racism and radicalisation, forced marriage, hate crime, freedom of speech and online safety. In the second part of the spring term you learnt about bereavement and loss, social media and self esteem, posting images online and healthy relationships. You also developed your first aid further, looking at asthma and allergies. In the final term, you learnt about relationships in more detail by looking at consent, contraception and sexting, before looking at living in the wider world including financial decisions on savings, borrowing and spending.
During year 9 PSHE you will look at peer pressure including risk and gang crime and you will learn about a healthy lifestyle. You will then move on to learn about careers and future aspirations and different skills for the work place. You will also learn about budgeting and managing risks with money. In the spring term in year 9 you will learn about some key aspects of Citizenship including British Values and the equality act and human rights and then look at different relationships, focusing on conflict at home, homophobia, transphobia and sexism. You will then move on to look at health and wellbeing, with regards to different substances including drugs and alcohol and first aid. In the summer term you will learn about relationships and sex education including pornography, STIs and sexting, before moving onto learning about a growth mindset, body image and mindfulness as part of the health and wellbeing module.
Topic Breakdown
Topic Breakdown
Half term 1 |
Half term 2 |
Autumn |
Health and Wellbeing Taking risks Peer pressure Crime, gangs and county lines Knife crime Healthy lifestyles Sleep Self esteem and confidence
Living in the Wider World Understanding careers, future skills Apprenticeships Work place skills Team work skills Money- budgeting and managing risk |
Spring |
Living in the Wider World Personal identity and British Values The equality act and human rights Relationships Managing conflict at home Child on child abuse Homophobia and transphobia LGBT Sexism and gender stereotyping
Health and Wellbeing Assessing the risks of drug and alcohol and vaping First aid- CPR, choking and bleeds |
Summer |
Relationships Consent and sex education Contraception STIs, HIV and Aids, Pornography Sexting |
Health and Wellbeing Growth mind set to achieve Managing anxiety Body image Mindfulness Vaccinations and blood and organ donation |
You will be assessed through your own self assessment of key elements throughout the year and short assessment tasks at the end of a topic.
PSHE full Scheme of Work - Year 9
Year 10 PSHE
Subject intent
During year 9 PSHE you learnt about peer pressure including risk and gang crime and you learnt about healthy lifestyles. You then moved on to learn about careers and future aspirations and different skills for the work place. You also learnt about budgeting and managing risks with money. In the spring term in year 9 you learnt about some key aspects of Citizenship including British Values and the equality act and you then looked at different relationships, focusing on conflict at home, homophobia, transphobia and sexism. You then learnt about health and wellbeing, with regards to different substances including drugs and alcohol and first aid. In the summer term you learnt about relationships and sex education including pornography, STIs and sexting, before moving onto health and wellbeing with a focus on a growth mindset, mindfulness, and body image.
During year 10 PSHE, you will look at self-confidence and goals and reframing negative thinking, focusing then on mental health and strategies to promote mental health. Year 10 will then look at their personal targets, focusing on work experience and researching where they would like to go in the summer term. You will then look at Citizenship including human rights, diversity, free press and extremism. In the spring term you will learn about romance and love and breakups. You will also focus on other elements with relationships including consent and sexting. The second half of the spring term will look at health and wellbeing, talking about the impact of drugs, binge drinking, bereavement and loss, finishing with first aid. The summer term begins with relationships and family relationships and parenting followed by teenage pregnancy and abortion and the importance of role models. We will then look at living in the wider world and learn about income and expenditure, debt, gambling and insurance and pensions. As part of the final half term pupils will do their work experience. Prior to this they will look at some key elements which will help during work experience, including, work ethic, health and safety and rights and responsibilities in the work place.
Topic Breakdown
Half term 1 |
Half term 2 |
Autumn |
Health and Wellbeing Self-confidence and goals Reframing negative thinking Strategies to promote mental health Living in the Wider World Personal development and targets Work experience |
Living in the Wider World Job interviews CV and cover letter writing Human rights and international law Diversity and mutual respect Free press Extremism |
Spring |
Relationships Romance and love Consent Break ups Grooming Pornography Sexting
Health and Wellbeing Drugs and alcohol- managing influence and sources of support Managing grief and bereavement First aid- CPR
Summer |
Relationships Contraception Teenage pregnancy/ abortion Role models Living in the wider world Income and expenditure Debt Gambling Pensions
Living in the Wider World Work experience check in Work ethic Health and safety Rights and responsibilities in the work place |
You will be assessed through your own self assessment of key elements throughout the year and short assessment tasks at the end of a topic.
PSHE full Scheme of Work - Year 10
Year 11 PSHE
Subject Intent
During year 10 PSHE, you learnt about self-confidence and goals and reframing negative thinking, focusing on mental health and strategies to promote it. You then identified personal targets, focusing on work experience and researching where you wanted to go in the summer term. In the spring term you learnt about romance and love and breakups. You then looked at other elements with relationships including consent and sexting. In the second half of the spring term you looked at health and wellbeing, talking about the impact of drugs, binge drinking, bereavement and loss, finishing with first aid. The summer term started with relationships and family relationships and parenting followed by teenage pregnancy and abortion and the importance of role models. We then looked at living in the wider world and learnt about income and expenditure, debt, gambling and insurance and pensions. As part of the final half term you completed your work experience and learnt about key aspects of life at work including, health and safety and your rights and responsibilities in the work place.
During year 11 PSHE, you will begin by looking at the importance of self-esteem and how to cope with stress, looking at preparing for exams and the importance of sleep. In the second half of the autumn term you will look at British values and the actions people can take to make a change and look at the right career for you. In the spring term you will then discuss the college application process and your plans for the end of year 11, also looking at job interviews, CV writing, personal statements and cover letters. You will then look at electoral systems and voting in the UK and UK governance. Year 11 will then look at relationships including some sensitive but important topics including, harassment and stalking, forced marriage, FGM and domestic violence. The first part of the summer term will look at extremism, drugs, alcohol, the dangers of vaping and cancer and self examination. Year 11 will complete their PSHE in the last half term looking at living in the wider world and money looking at savings, pensions and managing debt. We will also plan and complete a project where you will take an action to help the local community.
Topic Breakdown
Half term 1 |
Half term 2 |
Autumn |
Health and Wellbeing Self-esteem and social media Coping with stress Sleep Living in the wider world British values Actions people can take to make a change The right career for me |
Living in the Wider World Options after year 11 and applying for college Job interviews CV writing Personal statements and cover letters Electoral systems in the UK Voting age The legal system |
Spring |
Relationships Harassment and stalking Forced and arranged marriage Domestic violence Same sex relationships FGM Safe sex
Living in the wider world Extremism and radicalisation Health and Wellbeing Drugs, alcohol and the dangers of vaping Why do we take risks? Cancer and self examination
Summer |
Living in the wider world Savings Pensions Understanding and managing debt Planning your finances for your future Taking action to improve the community |
You will be assessed through your own self assessment of key elements throughout the year and short assessment tasks at the end of a topic.